Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Packing Up Again

In two weeks, I lose my plush executive NBC office and relocate to a smaller space across the Universal Studio Lot. And although I despise moving, in the grand scheme of things, this move will be one of the less painful ones I have done over the years. From Boston to San Francisco and then San Francisco to Boston and back again, I have moved too many times to enjoy it ever again. And to top it off, as if those cross country moves weren’t enough – I took off again from the Bay Area to Los Angeles six years ago this month. So when the announcement came that we were to vacate our offices – I was less than pleased.

My current space is perhaps the best office I will ever have in my professional life. From its private bathroom to its sprawling balcony, once the higher executives discovered my oasis, I knew that it would be taken away from me. It’s a lesson I learned many years ago – anything you have that’s job related is never yours. From your phone to your car to your parking space to your paycheck – whatever the perk that you claim as yours, readjust your thinking as soon as possible. Once you do, you won’t be under any delusion that you are indispensable.

The move of course reminds me of all those times I’ve packed up for a brand new start. I’ve bubble wrapped and newspapered just about every possession imaginable and along the way, I’ve filled a lot of dumpsters with things I never wanted to see again. Hiring movers the last few times to take care of everything was an even better luxury. I’ve also said, why should I do something that I can pay other people to do and they may actually enjoy it? Hell, I don’t even do my own nails, why should I do my own packing.

All of this is just a rant of course, as what I’m really upset about is I have to share a bathroom again with a floor full of people. Sure, I will have a door and windows and not be stuck in a windowless cave crammed in with three others or even worse, in a hallway cubicle. But where the heck am I going to read all my trashy magazines in peace and quiet?

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