Thursday, July 5, 2012

Les Philosophes

This is my fourth time in Paris and with every visit; I love this city more. The last few days have been filled with great pastry, delicious meals, coffee that keeps me up until all hours and all too rare time spent with one of my best friends.

Today, after a lazy morning start, I made my way to the Bateaux Mouches for a ride down the River Seine. I’ve walked along its banks numerous times, but this was the first opportunity I had to sit back and take a water side view. Of course, it’s school vacation and the second I saw the four busloads of children piling onto the dock, I almost waited another hour so I could avoid them.  But the company contained the little French boys and girls to the front and I happily took a seat in the back.  I marveled at the sheer beauty of the buildings and how nothing in Los Angeles compares to this architecture. The smoothness of the ride, the visual majesty on either side of the river’s banks and the fact that I have been lucky enough to experience this city for the fourth time, humbled me today. And then, as we passed under the bridge where all the couples add their locks to symbolize how they fell in love – I wondered who comes to cut them off when they break up. For there’s nothing like adding my own bit of humor and bitterness to any great philosophical musings I may have.

With the sky a bit overcast, I wondered around the streets, hopped on the Metro and ended up in the Victor Hugo café not far from where I’m staying. I even went in to a hat store, but alas, I just cannot carry off a chapeau no matter how hard I try. So, despite the soft sell from the mistress of the shop, I declined the accessory and came back to the apartment for an impromptu nap.

This night, despite the name of the restaurant, there were no heavy topics of conversation between us, and the only real debate was how much I could resist ordering a second crème brulee. (I've lost the one ab that I had when I arrived in this city, so why not have more and deal with that later?) And as the dark finally chased the light away at 10:30 pm, Josh and I made our way back home. And then I thought, I hope everyone has a best friend like this. One that, with or without living abroad, can make a magical city even more full of pixie dust. 

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