Thursday, August 30, 2012

Welcome Home - Again

“I envy you and your new chapter,” a friend of mine said to me when I told him I was moving again. And then I thought, seriously Jimmy? (That’s what I call myself, but don’t try and call me that without special permission) Another move? Another new chapter in your life? Since I was 24, I have become an expert at moving – from Boston to San Francisco, back to Boston, returning to San Francisco to at last, Los Angeles. In the city of Angels alone, this marks my third address. It will be, with every strong intention, my last one in this Hollywood hangout.

It’s a lot of work this moving – packing, throwing things away that I no longer need and discovering things I’ve forgotten (like my Disney Villain Dolls). I’ve spent the last few weeks immersed in boxes, bubble wrap and change of address forms. It was very advantageous that NBC just moved us to a new building. I not so stealthily stole the moving boxes from my office and when the day arrived, my logistics planning paid off tenfold.  Every installation happened at the same time and for once, maybe because the moving gods were kind to me, they gave me a hot Time Warner Internet Installer. I was done by noon and had plenty of time to keep my DMV appointment to get a new license. Twenty-five dollars is a small price to pay for a “lost” license to rid myself of looking at a bad karma address for the next four years.  

No matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient, I had to once again write yet another chapter of my very colorful life.  Through it all, as always with me, I did what needed to be done and took my fate into my own hands. No one was going to tell me where and when to vacate my current residence. However, I realized that this move will be my last in Los Angeles until I can afford to buy my dream home in the desert. With a perfect apartment in a great neighborhood and without a worry of someone else’s nasty boyfriend taking up residence in the space I’ve rented, I finally feel I can relax. (Because when I get a boyfriend, you can be sure he's nasty in all the right ways.) 

I’ve gotten back on my feet and can breathe a sigh of relief. So while moving is stressful and the circumstances that became the catalyst to this latest address could not have been predicted, this move has been the best one yet. But, no matter what life throws at my doorstep, I know that I will always be in charge of choosing where and when to put down the welcome mat.

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