Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Find Something Nice To Say

I’ve always wondered why it’s so difficult for someone to find the good in something and that fact came crashing to the forefront this week, when after a year of hard work, I launched the NBC B-B site for stations. For months, in addition to a million other aspects of a relaunch, I painstakingly supervised and worked on every creative detail, every user interface function and vigorously tested thousands of scenarios. And when the site launched yesterday without one glitch – I naively waited for the notes of congratulations.  Instead, I got angry emails from affiliates "couldn't find what they were looking for," and who didn’t like how the site downloaded, one even going so far to tell me, to paraphrase a very angry email, “No wonder no one promotes your shows.” Pulling from my long history of customer service, I sent her back a very nice note, apologizing for her inconvenience and telling her to personally call me. Of course, she did not. 

So, today, I am making a conscience choice to find the good before I bitch - it may be freezing in LA, but the sun is shining and the sky is blue and I’m heading to my desert paradise at the end of the week. Though I may be miserable bundled up in my scarf and gloves, last year at this time I was overweight and unhealthy. What a difference a year makes, I’ll remind myself.
And, no matter what you find annoying about someone or a situation, for just a second, take a deep breath, compose yourself and say something nice before you begin your rant. Trust me; you’ll get a lot further in the game.

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